Before & After Scalp Micropigmentation
Client Gallery
The following Scalp Micropigmentation treatments were completed at our Houston hair loss clinic, our Austin hair loss clinic and San Antonio hair loss clinic These photos show our clients before and after their treatments with Scalpp Clinic
Client Gallery
The following Scalp Micropigmentation treatments were completed at our Houston hair loss clinic, our Austin hair loss clinic, and San Antonio hair loss clinic
The ONE video you should watch about Scalp Micropigmentation... See the full video in bio.
Want a free consultation for Houston, Austin or San Antonio?
Text/Call: 713-588-5852
#scalpmicropigmentation #hairloss #scalpmicroblading #hairline #hairtattoo #houston #austin #SanAntonio #HairTransplant #beforeafter

Like his hair is growing. By Ian Dennis. #HoustonWeHaveAHairline #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #houston_insta #houstonhairstylist #scalppphotos #houstontattooartist #houstonfitness #browshaping #houstonlashes #dallaslashes #Austinlashes #houstonbarber #dallasmua #scalpmicroblading #microscalppigmentation #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #baldfade #baldhead #bosley #hishairclinic

📷 Selfie Time 📸 Client flew from Memphis to Houston for his Scalp Micropigmentation. Real results! This is 5 days after his 3rd session. Hairline is soft and youthful, this will work as he ages too.
It`s 8 years since we moved to Texas - the SMP industry was very different then. We survived, and flourished, because I never take a single client for granted. I treat every client like I am treating my own head - obsessive details and over a decade experience!
Contact Kristin to book a free consultation.
Don`t live nearby? Text us your photos to receive a treatment plan.
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#Hairloss #Houston #ScalpMicroPigmentation #SMP #HairTransplant #SanAntonio #Sugarland #Pearland #Galveston #theWoodlands #Spring #Friendswood #Webster #Manvel #Alvin #LeagueCity

Some just want it soft and subtle, like this...
#houstonwehaveahairlinebar #scalpmicropigmentation #hairtattoo # #scalppphotos #scalppbeforeafter #microbladinghouston #houstonwehaveahairline #scalppbeforeafter #houston #scalpp #houstonbrows #bosley #vincihairclinic #scalpmicroblading #springtexas #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #hairlinerestorarion #hairink #houstontattoos #houstonhairloss #houstonfitnesstrainer #austinbraider #austinfoodstagram #houstonlife #houstonbloggers

Client drove from Austin to Houston for this Scalp Micropigmentation. Around 6 different shades of pigment here to create the realism. We replicate hair and what hair does - the color, the pattern, the size. Especially important if a client wants a darker treatment. #DetailsNotDots
Photo taken immediately after session. This will take a few days to settle and will look even more natural. We have a range of selfies which clients have sent me over the years on our website:
Contact us now for a free consultation, or send us your photos to one of the following:
Text/Call: 713-588-5852
#scalpmicropigmentation #hairloss #houstonbarber #houstonbrows #houstonlashes #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #hairtransformation #austinmua #austinpmu

Hairline restored. #houstonwehaveahairline #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #houston #scalppphotos #scalpmicropigmentation #thinninghair #scalptattoo #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #headtattoo #hairlosshelp #uptownhouston #houston #scalppphotos #houstonmicroblading #dallas #texastattoos #nrgstadium #hishairclinic #bosley #texas #houstonhair #scalppigmentation

He was attacked and needed brain surgery! Then we covered the scar with Scalp Micropigmentation. Life changing. I just found this in my photo album, from around 3 years ago.
I set his expectations low and surpassed them. Scars like this need layers, we can`t just copy the color of the hair in the scar - otherwise the whiteness of the scar will just beam through.
Scalpp Clinic, Houston is:
- The longest running SMP Clinic in Texas
- Specialist in natural softer hairlines
- Trained many of the world most well known SMP artists
Text/Call/Email with any questions or for a quote.
#hairloss #houstonbarber #houstonhair
#houstonhairstylist #htx #houston

❤️❤️ Scalp Micropigmentation for Women. Dark Hair + Lighter Skin usually makes a great client for a density procedure. Why? Because it is that very color contrast which we are aiming to hide! Our lovely client was super happy at this outcome after session 3.
#scalpmicroblading #hairlosswomen #scalppphotos #scalppbeforeafter #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #scalppfem #houston #Austin #sanantonio #corpuschristi #killeen #thinninghair #batonrouge #toppik #caboki #prphairrestoration #prp #scalpmicropigmentation #hairtattoo #austinstyle #houstonstyle #houstonfitness

From Houston - Immediately after second session of Scalp Micropigmentation. Once that redness settles it`ll look even better. We treat lots of alopecia clients - alopecia and totalis - with Scalp Micropigmentation.
We are the longest running SMP clinic in Texas. I was here when there were only 2 or 3 other clinics in Texas, all of which no longer exist.
Contact now for a free consultation - you will receive honesty, be treated fairly, and receive the highest quality SMP treatment available.
#hairlosshelp #scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentation #pmuhouston #pmuartist #sanantoniohair

By Ian Dennis. Perfect blend, broken hairline. No editing, no filters, just a straight photo taken after session 2. Client very happy to go out and see the world straight away. #houstonwehaveahairline #scalpmicropigmentation #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #austin360 #austinhair #austinbarber #austinnails #austintattooartist #austinblogger #austinite #texasstyle #microscalppigmentation #hairlossspecialist #hairtattoo #scalpp #iandennis #galveston

Nobody will ever look this close, but if they do...
This is how an "edge up" or a "defined hairline" should look - if it looks painted on then you don`t have SMP, you just have a tattoo pretending to be SMP.
We don`t do giant dots, heavy density, artificial treatments - we replicate natural.
And yes, a strong hairline can look just as natural as a softer hairline especially with suitable age/skin tone/face shape. It just has to be done right.
Contact now for a free consultation:
Call/Text: 713-588-5852

No Hair to blend into? Not a problem.
Perfect and Natural after 3 sessions.
#houstonwehaveahairline #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #microscalppigmentation #scalptattoo #houston #scalp #scalpmicropigmentation #thinninghair #houstonstylist #houstonmicroblading #houstonhairstylist #houstonstyle #bosley #austin #hairtattoo #hairtransplant #houstonlashes #houstonbarber #austinmua #austinbarber #sanantoniomua

Density treatment to make hair look thicker. Very young client not ready to shave quite yet. When he is - we can go in again and have much more flexibility with the hairline placement. Most important thing with density work: Always think long term.
These photos are taken directly before session 1 and after session 2. I don`t do filter, fancy lighting or editing - what you see is how it is.
Send photos or book a free consultation:
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
You will my best work, everytime.
#scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentation #hairtattoo #pmuartist #pmuhouston #lasheshouston ##houstonnightlife #houstontattoos

Receded & Broken hairline for our client from Syracuse, New York. By Ian Dennis. The most natural SMP treatments right here in Houston, Texas. #scalpmicropigmentation #hairtattoo #scalppba2 #scalppphotos #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #houstonbarbers #sanantoniobarber #dallasbarber #austinbarber #houstonfashion #dallasfashion #texasfashion #texasmakeupartist #texastattooartist #texashairstylist #scalpp #bosley #bosleyhair #hairtransplant #microscalppigmentation #houstonmicroblading

Client flew from Boston, MA to Houston, Texas for the best Scalp Micropigmentation. This is for a soft but youthful Scalp Micropigmentation which works in any type of light. All after photos are selfies taken, not photoshopped or filtered.
Scalpp Clinic is the longest running SMP clinic in Texas.
Contact now for a free consultation! Or text/email your photos for a free treatment plan and quote 🤠
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#hairline #scalpmicroblading ##neworleansbarber #houstontattoos #scalpmicropigmentation #batonrougehairstylist #batonrouge #neworleans #nola #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #smp #SMP #houstonhairstylists #louissiana #nolo #neworleans #batonrouge #houstonbarber #hairtransformation #hairsystem #hairextensions #htx #atx #sanantonio #houstonmua

From MASSACHUSETTS ✈️ HOUSTON travelled for a Broken/Natural hairline. Unlike an edge-up/defined hairline - adding in imperfections are what make this type of hairline perfect! #scalpmicroblading #houstonwehaveahairline #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #scalpmicropigmentationhouston #hairtattoo #hairlinetattoo #houston #dallascowboys #houstonhair #houstonbarbers #houston_insta #microbladingtexas #texascountry #scalpp #sanantoniotattoos #hairlosswomen

KEEP SWIPING - session by session progress to create a soft but youthful hairline. I try to only post healed results here, no fancy lighting, no Photoshop/filters, just reality.
Thank you for sending these/allowing me to post.
You will get my best work, always. More than a decade on and I`m producing my best work ever right now.
Scalpp Clinic is the longest running SMP clinic in Texas.
Contact now for a free consultation! Or text/email your photos for a free treatment plan and quote 🤠
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#hairline #scalpmicroblading #houstonfitness #houstontattoos #scalpmicropigmentation #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #smp #houstonhairstylists #louissiana #nolo #neworleans #batonrouge #houstonbarber #hairtransformation #hairsystem #hairextensions #hyx #atx #sanantonio #houstonmua

Scalp Micropigmentation for Women, this lovely lady travelled a long way and and got these fabulous results.#smpforwomen #scalpmicroblading #scalppphotos #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #scalppbeforeafter #scalpmicropigmentation #microscalppigmentation #hairtattoo #hairtransplant #houstonhair #austinhair #sanantoniohair #houstonmua💄 #sanantoniomua #houstonbrows #houstonmicroshading #houstonmicroblading #iandennis #scalpp #goodlookink #hishairclinic

Selfie time! We only do natural Scalp Micropigmentation here, soft & subtle edges. This is why clients travel from all over the country for this.
You will get my best work, always.
Scalpp Clinic is the longest running SMP clinic in Texas.
Contact now for a free consultation! Or text/email your photos for a free treatment plan and quote 🤠
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#hairloss #smp #scalpmicroblading #batonrouge #hairtattoo #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #neworleansbarber #neworleansbrows #neworleansnails #batonrougenails #batonrougebrows #neworleanshair #nolaeats #scalpmicropigmentation #hairtattoo #muahouston #batonrougehairstylist #batonrougehairstylist #galveston

Density for Men & Women. Contact now for a free consultation! #houstonwehaveahairline #scalppbeforeafter #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #houstonhairstylist #scalpmicropigmentation #thinninghair #scalptattoo #headtattoo #hairlosshelp #scalppba2 #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #thickerhair #microbladinghouston #scalpmicroblading #houstonhair #houston_insta #austinhair #sanantoniohair #dallashair #microscalppigmentation

Client ✈️ California to Houston for his Scalp Micropigmentation. People travel from all over the US for this subtle and light SMP, it`s what we do better than anybody. Perfect for blonde and fair hair clients. And if he wants it darker in the future? Easy.
#scalpmicropigmentation #houstonfitness #houstonhair #houstonbride #htx #sanantoniomua #houstonmua #houstonhairstylist #houstonevents ##scalpmicropigmentationtraining #SMP #scalpp #scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentation #hairloss #hairlosshelp #hairtransplant #hairtransformation

Just want to add density? Mature, receded hairline after 3 sessions of different shades and deposit sizes. Client very happy 🙂 #scalpmicropigmentation #scalpp #scalppphotos #scalppbeforeafter #houstonwehaveahairline #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #hairtattoo #scalpmicroblading #houstonblogger #austinblogger #sanantonionails #austintexas #sanantoniotattooartist #houstonstyle #newbraunfels #kyletx #sanmarcostx #roundrocktx

Scalp Micropigmentation results, client from Dallas, Texas.
You will get my best work, everytime. No rushing, no taking anyone for granted, I am only as good as my last client. We don`t do fancy editing, photoshop, filters - we show real results and healed results.
Contact now for a free consultation, or send photos to receive a free treatment plan:
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentation #dallashairstylist #dallashair #dallasmua #houstontx #houstonfitness #hairloss #hairtransformation #hairtattoo

HAIRLOSS. GONE. With Scalp Micropigmentation Houston, TX - client was very happy with this (should have filmmed the reaction!) #scalppbeforeafter #houstonwehaveahairlinebar
#HoustonWeHaveAHairline #scalpmicropigmentation #scalppphotos #houstonwehaveahairlineba #hairtattoo #scalpmicroblading #texashillcountry #scalpmicropigmentation #houston #austin #dallas #sanantonio #hairloss #hairtransplant #gme #wallstreetbets

LIFE CHANGING Scalp Micropigmentation in Houston, Texass. Our client was a little camera shy but wanted to make a video for us anyway! Thanks so much 🤠
Multiple hair transplants, and he was finally ready to shave his his hair and not worry about hairloss anymore.
We have:
✅ Treated more clients than anybody else in Texas
✅ Trained more artists than anybody in Texas
✅ Been here longer than any other clinic in Texas.
That`s why this client, and most of our clients now, are referrals from other happy clients!
Contact now or send photos for a free consultation:
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#hairloss #scalpmicroblading #hairtransplant
#scalpmicropigmentation #houstonnightlife
#houstonhair #sanantoniohair #austinbarber #htx #houstonmua #sanantoniomua #houston #austin #sanantonio

Scalp Micropigmentation - Our client from the Phillipines visited Houston for 3 sessions. Mostly healed work with a quick touch up for session 3. This is always my favorite session where we add perfection and get obsessed with details!
#scalpmicropigmentation #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #scalppbeforeafter #htownnightlife #houstonhiphop #houstonrodeo #houstonfood #houstonhairstylist #houstonhair #houstonbraider #houston_insta #houstontattooartist #hairtattoo #houstonfitness #htx #houstonpride #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #texastodo #texasinked #texashair #htownpride

Flashback: 3 years ago! Client from Nebraska ✈️ Houston
✅ Perfect blend
✅ Perfect color
✅ Perfect treatment
Never take clients for granted, I`m only as good as my last client and I will do everything to make sure you get my best work.
There are lots of SMP companies outthere now but I was here in Texas before anybody else. No sales talk needed, just facts.
#scalpmicropigmentation #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #hairtattoo #houstonbarber #hairloas #houstonnightlife #htx #sanantonio #houstonmua #houstonbrows

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - New office. Beautiful building, perfect set up, perfect lighting for Scalp Micropigmentation, perfect everything. We love it. Here`s to the next 5 years of changing lives! #business #businessowner #barber #scalpmicropigmentation #tonyrobbins #garyvee #hustlehard #hustleharder #newbeginnings

Session 3 is where the details come in! #scalpmicropigmentation #hairstyles #hairloss #barberlife #barberlove #haircut #haircolor

Scalp Micropigmentation for Women and Thinning Hair here in Houston, Texas and San Antonio, Texas 🤠
Thank you for making this awesome video Brianna ❤️❤️
Our Female Clinic is here @scalppfem
Want to learn how to do this? Many of the most well known artists started with us here @scalppacademy
🌵 We have treated more Female clients in Texas than any other clinic. Fact. It`s a very different approach needed to look dark yet still natural!
Contact now for a free consultation!
Call/Text: 713-588-5852

DETAILS not DOTS. When OCD meets SMP - you get the best Scalp Micropigmentation on earth 🤠
I treat every head like I am treating my own head.
Now booking for Houston and Santa Antonio!
Send me some photos and let`s see what we can do for you.
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#hairloss #scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentation #hairtattoo #houston #sanantonio #hairtransformation #smpresults #bosley #goodlookink

I treat every client like I`m treating the President 😜
You will get my best work... Every. Single. Time.
#scalpmicroblading #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #scalpmicropigmentation #batonrougehairstylist #batonrouge #lafayettelouisiana #lafayette #neworleans #neworleanshair #neworleansbarber #batonrougebarbers #hairtransformation #hairtattoo #sa #obama #barackobama #barbershop #smp #smpresults #bosley #goodlookink

Scalp Micropigmentation soft and subtle. This is a HEALED result after 3.5 years. The reason I don`t post as often is that I always want to show you how my results heal long term. This is something permanent, and I`m thinking years ahead with everything I do on someone`s treatment. I treat my clients scalp like I`m treating myself.
#scalpmicropigmentation #houstonwehaveahairlinebar #scalppbeforeafter
#blondehair #lafayette #lafayettehairstylist #scalpmicropigmentation #scalpp #hairtattoo #hairtransformation #houstonwehaveahairlineba #houstonwedding #houstongroom #houstonbride #houstonhairstylists #houstonlashtech #houstonlife #htx #sanantonio

He beat Hairloss! The perfect Barbershop edge up with Scalp Micropigmentation. No fancy editing or lighting, just a straight honest diary from one of our recent clients, right here at Scalpp Clinic in Houston, Texas.
We are the longest running SMP Clinic in Texas 🤠 and where MANY of the worlds most well know artists were trained.
Contact now and get the most natural results that exist:
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#scalpmicropigmentation #hairtattoo #houstonbarber #neworleansbarber #houstonhair #houstonnails #houstontattoo #htown #htx #batonrougehairstylist #louisianahair #neworleansartist #beaumonttx #hairlosstreatment #hairtattoo #thewoodlandstx #springtx #galveston

He hasn`t had a Hairline for 20 years... Until now! We can do any style to perfection with Scalp Micropigmentation in Houston, Texas. This is the permanent barbershop edge-up or shape-up.
We do details, not dots. We don`t paint density on, we add texture, different shades, shapes and tones to create long lasting super realism. Details, details and more details until we have the best Scalp Micropigmentation result on the planet!
Contact now for a free consultation 🤠
#scalpmicropigmentation #tattooideas #hairtattoo #barbershop #barber #houstonhairstylist #houstonhair #dallashair #dallashairstylist #tattoooftheday #tattoosleeve #tattooartist #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #houstonbarber #texasbarber #texastattoo #tattooartistmagazine

This is a Tattoo for Hairloss. Scalp Micropigmentation for blonde and fair hair - my absolute specialty. People travel from all over the Country and come here for this. These softer/broken hairlines take details and perfection and you will not leave my office until we have both!
#scalpmicroblading #hairtattoo #scalpp #sanantonio #sanantoniobarber #sanantoniohair #sanantoniotattoos #sanantoniofitness #sanantonionails #sanantoniomua #satx #sanantoniofoodie #sanantonioweddings #sanantoniomicroblading #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #bosley #goodlookink #hairlosssolution

Bad Scalp Micropigmentation result Treatment fixed in Houston, Texas!
Contact now or send photos for a free consultation.
Text/Phone: 713-588-5852
#scalpmicropigmentation #scalppigmentation #smp #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #bosley #goodlookink #hairlosssolution #hairtattoo #smpresults #houstonhair #houstonbarber #houstontattoos #houstonhaircolorist #houstonmicroblading #houstonmua #houstonpmu #htx #htxhairstylist #htxbraids #htxmua

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Today marks 7 years since myself and Kristin aka the Receptionist 🫣 got married. And if it wasn`t for Scalp Micropigmentation then we would never have even met.
We chose Texas as home because quite simply it is the greatest state in the US. Fact.
Scalpp is a very small family business and we do absolutely everything ourselves. It is tough, but keeping it that way means we are able to treat every client in the same way that we would want to be treated ourselves.
Always striving for perfection and never taking a single client for granted!
Thanks to all the clients past and future, we are always here if you need anything at all.
#scalpmicropigmentationresults #smpresults #houstonfitnesa #houstonmua #houstonpmu #houstonmicroblading #sanantoniomua #sanantoniohair #sanantoniofitness

Shape-up Vs Natural Broken Hairline. Which do you prefer? #scalpmicropigmentation #scalpp #hairtattoo #houstonmua #houstonhair #houstonfitness #houstonbarbers #houstonhairstylist #goodlookink #bosley #htx #htown #houstontattooartist #houstonlashes #houstonbraids #houstonblogger #hairlosstreatment #hairlosshelp #hairtransformation

#DetailsNotDots I finally learnt how to make a reel 😅😅
Want Scalp Micropigmentation in Houston? Check out the details here!
✅ 4 different shades
✅ 4 different needles sizes
✅ Variety of patterns and shapes
Beautiful Texture! This is all HEALED work too after a year! Strong hairline requested here, not your style? No worries, soft and feathered hairlines are my speciality 🤠
Contact now for a free consultation, and I`ll show you exactly why people come here from around the US for their sessions!
#scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #scalpmicropigmentation #houstonhair #houstonbarber #houstonfood #houstontattoos #houstonhaircolorist #houston_insta #htown #htownbarber #texashair #sanantonio #scalpmicropigmentationhouston #bosley #goodlookink #sanantoniofitness #sanantoniobarber #sanantoniohair #sanantoniotattoos

ABIGAIL, Artist from Montana
GETINET, Barber from Minnesota
MARCELL, Barber from Nebraska
Many many of the most popular SMP artists you see today started right here, training with us! This fantastic group will be no exception.
I could easily fill these classes with 10-15 people - I keep it small so I can spend as much time with each trainee as they need.
Want to more information on our training programme? Contact our clinic for an overview of the class and price options:
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #smphouston #smpresults #iandennis #scalpmicropigmentation #scalpp #bosley #houston_insta #houstonhaircolorist #houstonbrows #houstonhair #texashair #houstontattoos #houstonmua #houstonpmu #houston

3 year-old treatment healed! Always look for HEALED results. I`m not interested in my clients just looking good for Instagram, I need them looking (and feeling) good forever! 🤠🤠
#scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentation #smphouston #smpresults #beforeandafterhair #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #hairlosssolution #hairtransformation #sanantonio #sanantoniotexas #satx #sanantonionails #sanantoniobarber #sanantoniohair #sanantoniofitness #sanantoniofoodie #sanantoniophotographer #sanantoniophotographer #sanantoniospurs #sanantonioweddings

Many of the most well known SMP artists you see on Instagram began their training right here. I`ve no doubt this week`s trainees will do just as well!
These are: a Barber, a Permanent Make-Up Artist and an SMP client wishing to change careers completely (just like I was). A really talented bunch.
Best of luck to you all 🤠🤠🤠
Want to learn SMP from one of the most experienced artists in the 🇺🇲?
We always teach in very small classes to ensure the best experience!
Both small class training and private one to one training are available.
Contact now for training information.
#scalpp #scalpmicropigmentation
#scalpmicropigmentationtraining #smptraining #houstonbrows #houstonrodeo #houstonhair #houstonbarbers #houstonbarber #houstonpmu #houstonmua #houstonstyle #htx #houstonmicroblading #houstonlashes #houstonwigs

BEST. REACTION. EVER. This is what Scalp Micropigmentation can do for female hairloss! Unfortunately Renee`s hairloss accelerated after this so we just treated her whole scalp, part 2 is coming soon! #scalpmicropigmentation #hairlosshelp #hairlosssolution #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #willsmith #jadapinkettsmith #chrisrock #oscars2022 #alopeciatotalis #alopeciareata #hairlossspecialist #alopeciaawareness #hairlosstreatment

Soooooooft Hairlines are our speciality! #houstonwehaveahairline #houstonwehaveahairlineba #scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentation #houstonbrows #houstonfitness #hims #romain #keeps #toppik #hairlosssolution #houstonhair #austinhair #austintexas #atx #hairlinerestoration #hairtattoo #hairlinemicroblading

Houston, We Have A Hairline!
Really great set of trainees this week! Permanent make up artists, Nurses and Eyebrow Technicians, now able to offer SMP !
Want to learn Scalp Micropigmentation from one of the most experienced Technicians in the entire Country?
Many of the most well known SMP artists in the US started right here!
Text/Call: 713-588-5852
#scalpmicropigmentation #scalpmicroblading #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #houston_insta #hishairclinic #bosley #goodlookink #houstonmicroblading #houstonbrows #houstonhair #houstonbraids #houstonbraider #houstonbarber

WHAT A CHANGE! Our Austin client just sent us this selfie of his Scalp Micropigmentation when healed. What do you think of this result? #scalpmicroblading
#scalpmicropigmentation #iandennis #scalpp
#houstonwehaveahairline #austinmicroblading #austinmua #austinhair #austinbrows #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #smpresults #bosley #goodlookink #hishairclinic #vincihairclinic #hairlosssolution #hairtransformation #hairtattoos #georgetowntx #roundrocktx

GREAT REACTION. Bad SMP treatment, fixed in 2 sessions without laser treatment needed. First session completed by trainee @doctor_lash 🤠🤠 #scalpmicroblading #houstonwehaveahairline #scalpmicropigmentation #hairlosssolution #hairtattoo #hairtransformation #hairlosssolution #houston_insta #houstonmicroblading #austinmicroblading #smpremoval #houston #austin #corpuschristi #lakejackson #sanantonio #sanantoniotexas #htx #atx #satx

AMAZING REACTION 💯 Our client lost his hair at 18 years old, now check out his BEAUTIFUL reaction after Scalp Micropigmentation.
This is directly after session 2, perhaps one more session to go for perfection and details! I`ll post full after photos once it`s healed.
Contact now for free consultation:
Call/Text: 713-588-5852
#scalpmicropigmentation #hairtattoo #hairloss #hairlosssolution #permanentmakeup #pmuartist #scalptattoo #houstonmua #scalpmicropigmentationtraining #smphairtattoo #houston #sanantonio #dallas #austin #houstonhair #sanantoniohair #austinhair #hairtransformation #goodlookink #bosley #hims #hers

YEE-HAW! I AM NOW AMERICAN. I became a citizen this last week. And I just wanted to take a moment to express the amount of pride I am to be here. Not only am I in the GREATEST country in the World but I live in GREATEST state with the GREATEST people - TEXAS 🌵!
When I came here 5 years ago, SMP was still pretty small. It has since exploded and people that I have trained have gone on to become some of the best Artists in the entire country! This is not just where my house is, it is where my home is and I would not want to live anywhere else in the World. Thank you all for making me feel welcome from the second I arrived. Ian
Houston, We Have a Hairline 🤠
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Client Selfies
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